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Invest in your security

Until now, indicators were only authorised in Germany for multi-track bicycles such as large cargo bikes. The authorisation rules for this are based on the already familiar regulations for motorbikes and cars.

The German government has announced an amendment to the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations (StVZO) for 2024.
Among other things, it allows indicators for all bicycles.

This takes account of the increased need for safety on the part of many cyclists, which is already reflected in the wide range of flashing gloves, helmets, high-visibility waistcoats etc. on offer today. However, many of these solutions are not clearly recognisable to other road users as indicators of an intended change of direction.
According to insurance company statistics, the number of accidents is increasing.

We, who have been successfully active on the market for years as a provider of approvable and therefore future-proof indicator solutions for bicycles, want to use this opportunity to grow with existing and new products.

We offer you the opportunity to accompany us on this journey as an investor.

Benefit directly from velorian's corporate success.

As a lender or shareholder.

Invest now!

Eckehard Bahr

Give us a call or write to us.

Mr Eckehard Bahr

Office : +49 30 3643 1679

Mobil: +49 152 260 156 74

Email: contact@velorian.de